We are the Retired Greyhound Trust East Midlands, Crossing Cottage Kennels (registered charity number 1184529) a small independent charity that has been established to ensure the long-term welfare of greyhounds after retirement from racing. Every year between eight and nine thousand greyhounds, aged from 2 to 6 years, retire from racing and, thanks to the efforts of the RGT, many of them are found new homes with families.
Crossing Cottage Greyhound Sanctuary is an approved member of the Greyhound Board of Great Britain (GBGB) scheme supporting welfare nationally for retired greyhounds with kennels and kennelling at CCK approved by the scheme.
We have a variety of ways you can help us raise even more money to look after these special dogs. You can also make a direct donation to us via PayPal and Give as you Live

Message from John and The Team at Crossing Cottage
We would like to extend our gratitude to all of our friends and supporters for their support over what has, and continues to be, a very difficult period for Crossing Cottage.
John has expressed his wish to send thanks for each and every message of condolence that has been sent to him. He would also like to extend a very heartfelt thank-you to everyone who attended her Celebration of Life yesterday. It was a truly moving event, made even more so by the presence of so many people (and hounds) who loved Judith.
Judith’s passing has obviously hit us hard, both personally and as a charity. The loss of her passion, dedication and experience will no doubt be very difficult for us to overcome.
However, we look to the future with hope in our hearts. We all wish to honour Judith’s legacy, by not only continuing our work at Crossing Cottage Greyhound Sanctuary but to build upon the strong foundations that she has laid down.
Help us make a difference
Thank you to everyone who has helped us to continue here at the Kennels, you have been amazing and we can’t thank you enough for keeping us and the greyhounds going through these past months. Without your help we would not have survived. You are still continuing to help us by donating food, cleaning products, pooh bags, donating money from the sale of masks and even a bike. You are truly wonderful!!
We have a variety of ways you can help us raise even more money to look after these special dogs. You can also make a direct donation to us via PayPal and Give as you Live
Not everyone can give one our dogs a home, but we still need your help.
We have a range of sponsorship opportunities that can really help us to help more retired greyhounds.
Looking after greyhounds while they are with us is an expensive business and sponsorship makes it possible to help even more greyhounds.
Sponsorship is also the perfect gift for the animal lover close to you. You can give sponsorship in someone’s name for as little as £2.50 per month
Greyhounds make wonderful family pets. They are intelligent, lovable, fun-loving, gentle creatures and make loyal companions for people of all ages. Many people think that greyhounds need lots of exercise. But the truth is they are sprinters rather than long distance runners. Two 20-minute walks every day is enough to satisfy them, although they are also happy to go on longer walks.
News & Announcemnets
All the latest information from Crossing Cottage, including updates around COVID-19.
Join our Team
If you are a dog lover and passionate about helping and looking after dogs we would love to meet you. We are looking for passionate people to join our team WE have an opportunity for people to help us various day in the afternoon includin weekends. Age is not...
Boxing Day Annual Walk – Voluteers required
We have had a number of requests to hold our Boxing Day Annual Walk. However, due to this rather horrible year of sickness and uncertainty we will not be able to do this without a lot of help from all of you and lots of voluteers. Let us know if you are interested in...
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are desparately needed to help with our Christmas events . Various roles helping to set up and put things away, serving teas and coffees and various refreshements; helping on stalls, tombolas, raffle; run a car boot stall. Helping fit coats ongreyhounds and...
Come and join our team, get some fresh air and help a greyhound have a happier day.
We are looking for volunteer dog walkers in the mornings between 8.00am and 11.00am at Crossing Cottage Greyhound Sanctuary, Sutton on Trent , Near Newark.
We are operating within social distancing rules in acccordance with government guidelines
Must have experience with dogs and transport. If you are interested please email
If you would like to be removed from or added to our mailing list please e mail or telephone 01636 822032
If you have any unwanted towels, duvets and blankets we would love them for our greyhounds
Thank you
All at Crossing Cottage Kennels
Thank you
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended our Boxing Day Walk. Your generosity is overwhelming.
We raised £765.00, which included the refereshments, raffle, donations and sponsorships.
Thank you everyonefor your support for our greyhounds and our kennels.
From John, Judith and thanks to our fantastic team Lynn, Tracey, Karen and all our billiant helpers without whom it wouldn’t be possible – you are amazing.
Thank you too to all our brilliant owners and supporters, you truly are amazing.
Thank you xx
Please note that you must have a prior appointment to visit the kennels . This applies to weekends as well as mid week
Please note we do not accept credit cards for adoptions. Payment can be made by cheque, cash or brank transfer.
Visit Us
Opening Times
We are open 7 days a week. Visiting is by appointment only. Bring comfy shoes for walking. Please bring your masks.
Telephone enquiries and to make an appointment 01636 822032
This number is only available between 9.00 and 4.00 unless your call is urgent or an emergency
E mail enquiries –
Many thanks
Judith and John Morton
Crossing Cottage Greyhound Sanctuary
What We do

Finding homes
Our job is to find the right homes for our charges. The dogs we have available can be seen on this site. Come along and get information about greyhounds, chat to current greyhound owners, meet the greyhounds and take one for a walk.

We know not everyone can adopt a greyhound, but you can still help us look after these lovely dogs, by taking part in fundraising activities. If you have an idea to raise money you can get in touch with us.

Greyhound Care
We have a complete guide on how to care for your greyhound, from when you take them home all the way through to house training, feeding, and what to do as they get older.

Adoption Process
We want to make sure you get the right dog, and the dogs get the right owner. We’ll walk you through the entire process of adopting a greyhound, including introductions and home checks.
What Drives Us
Our Mission
Our job is to find the right homes for our charges. The dogs we have available can be seen on this site and there is also lots of information about greyhounds and how to look after them. Have a look and then give us a call – or better still come to to the kennels and meet the dogs.
Upcoming Events
Get Involved
If you’d like to get involved with Crossing Cottage Greyhound Sanctuary, we are always looking for people to help. From helping to care for our residents, or helping to organise events, or to help with fundraising.
Our riends at East View Studios will be helping us some stunning pictures of our dogs. Please take the time to visit and support this wonderful business. Visit for full details.
“Let’s make some memories to last a lifetime.
Put your dog centre stage in the studio or let me take images of them in the great outdoors – the choice is yours!”
Sunday 28 April - Elvaston Castle Country Park
Elvaston Castle Country Park, Borrowash Road, Elvaston, Derby DE72 3EP. Meet to the left, in the Pay and Display Car Park, for a walk around the grounds finishing at the Wyatts Cafe for refreshments. As usual if your greyhound is unsociable with other breeds or has only been adopted for a short while then please use a muzzle