Boxing Day Annual Walk – Voluteers required

We have had a number of requests to hold our Boxing Day Annual Walk. However, due to this rather horrible year of sickness and uncertainty we will not be able to do this without a lot of help from all of you and lots of voluteers. Let us know if you are interested in...

Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are desparately needed to help with our Christmas events . Various roles helping to set up and put things away, serving teas and coffees and various refreshements; helping on stalls, tombolas, raffle; run a car boot stall. Helping fit coats ongreyhounds and...


VOLUNTEER DOG WALKER Come and join our team, get some fresh air and help a greyhound have a happier day. We are looking for volunteer dog walkers in the mornings between 8.00am and 11.00am at Crossing Cottage Greyhound Sanctuary, Sutton on Trent , Near Newark. We are...